About Us

It starts with
Who We Are.

We build an organization to help people to learn online.

Platform is a self-hosted solution that helps entrepreneurs to launch online tutoring and consultation platforms where multiple tutors or consultants can register and deliver one-to-one or group online sessions to learners. It is a highly scalable and fully customizable solution to meet the business requirements of the users. The solution is pre-integrated with Cometchat, Lesson Space, and Zoom to support features such as video chat, Whiteboard, Textpad, code editor, multiple screen sharing, etc. which improves the interaction between tutor and learner during an online session.

For seamless payment transactions, Platform is integrated with secured payment gateways like Paypal, Authorize.net, Stripe, Paystack, PayGate. It is a complete solution with robust functionalities and essential features that guarantee high performance and competitive results. In addition to this, Platform is also available as PWA

Our mission & Vision

Get to know about our
mission and vision

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Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to help entrepreneurs and tutors set up their own online tutoring platforms like Verbling, Preply, and Cambly. We help them reach the pinnacle of their career by enabling them to launch their own tutoring platform using our readymade solution.

our Inspiration & Vision

Our Inspiration & Vison

We, being the leaders and industry experts, provide our turnkey edtech solution, to help entrepreneurs to start their tutoring businesses. Our aim is to offer an easy and hassle-free process for them to enter the market and become a pioneer.

Our Goal

Our Goal

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